October 11, 2018
“Campaign Time?”
It is a tradition in many congregations that fall is the time to talk about Stewardship and to conduct a Stewardship Campaign in anticipation of preparing next year’s budget. It is also tradition in many congregations for people to anticipate this process with nothing short of horror. So what are the options?
Our Stewardship team has been kicking around a number of ideas. I’m told that our present budget process involves a few chosen people gathering together each year and preparing next year’s budget by looking at the past year’s giving record. My experience says that the result of such a process is that the biggest question usually asked is: “Where can we cut back our spending so we don’t go so far in debt?”
Really!?!?!? Is this the question that Jesus wants us to be asking? What about asking this question: “How can we grow this ministry of sharing Christ’s love with the world?” Why should the mission of Jesus be shrinking? Didn’t he conquer death? Doesn’t he possess all the power of the universe? Didn’t he pass those powers on to his disciples?
One of the budgeting ideas that is being talked about is called a “Narrative Budget.” Each congregation has a story to tell about how it responds in thanksgiving to the Good News of Jesus Christ. Our congregation’s budget also tells a story. A narrative budget integrates dollars, people and ministry to tell the story of a congregation’s mission and ministry. It does not replace our regular budget but gives a vision of ministry rather than just a spreadsheet of line items. It reflects how the congregation spends it time, talent and treasure and helps the congregation focus it’s stewardship on what is of central importance to God’s work.
Pastor Mike
“Campaign Time?”
It is a tradition in many congregations that fall is the time to talk about Stewardship and to conduct a Stewardship Campaign in anticipation of preparing next year’s budget. It is also tradition in many congregations for people to anticipate this process with nothing short of horror. So what are the options?
Our Stewardship team has been kicking around a number of ideas. I’m told that our present budget process involves a few chosen people gathering together each year and preparing next year’s budget by looking at the past year’s giving record. My experience says that the result of such a process is that the biggest question usually asked is: “Where can we cut back our spending so we don’t go so far in debt?”
Really!?!?!? Is this the question that Jesus wants us to be asking? What about asking this question: “How can we grow this ministry of sharing Christ’s love with the world?” Why should the mission of Jesus be shrinking? Didn’t he conquer death? Doesn’t he possess all the power of the universe? Didn’t he pass those powers on to his disciples?
One of the budgeting ideas that is being talked about is called a “Narrative Budget.” Each congregation has a story to tell about how it responds in thanksgiving to the Good News of Jesus Christ. Our congregation’s budget also tells a story. A narrative budget integrates dollars, people and ministry to tell the story of a congregation’s mission and ministry. It does not replace our regular budget but gives a vision of ministry rather than just a spreadsheet of line items. It reflects how the congregation spends it time, talent and treasure and helps the congregation focus it’s stewardship on what is of central importance to God’s work.
Pastor Mike