Facebook: Please check out Faith Lutheran's Facebook page.
On the Radio:
Our service is broadcast over the radio on 100.9 FM Sunday mornings at 9:30. There are mobile apps, such as tune-in that you can use to listen to the broadcast, or you can use the following link to listen: http://mgmt.firststreaming.com/listen/androidredir.php?cassign=wcmp-fm If you would like to sponsor or dedicate a broadcast please contact [email protected]. The cost is $125 Altar Flowers
The flowers on our altar always add a little extra to our worship service each Sunday. If you would like to dedicate flowers one week please contact [email protected]. |
Donate Online
If you can’t make it to any of these events and still wish to support our youth on this life-changing trip please consider donating directly to the Youth Gathering Fund at Faith Lutheran Church. All monies will go directly to this important trip for our young people. (Please select the National Youth Gathering Fund from the drop down menu)
If you can’t make it to any of these events and still wish to support our youth on this life-changing trip please consider donating directly to the Youth Gathering Fund at Faith Lutheran Church. All monies will go directly to this important trip for our young people. (Please select the National Youth Gathering Fund from the drop down menu)
Church History Team - New Times
The History Team will be meeting on the second and fourth Tuesday of the month.
Anyone interested in helping to preserve the church's history, interested in what we have or would like to learn things about our church, please stop by the church.
The history team’s mission is working to preserve the history of Faith Lutheran Church. We are looking for any historical information that you may have and would be willing to share with the history team, that would be helpful in our mission.
If you have anything that you could share, please email to [email protected], or drop it off
in the pastors office, or please feel free to contact any of the history team members…JoLouise McNally, Sue Segelstrom, Linda Solomonson or Nance Keenan.
We do ask that you label your treasures with names, dates, locations, anything that would help us to identify these things.
We would be happy to take care of any of your items, however, if you would like your items back, please have your name and phone number so we can return it safely to you.
(please remember to label with names and dates and your contact information)
Ladies Aid, Baptisms, WELCA
Pastors, Church Programs, Weddings,
Church Events, 1st Communions, Bell Choir,
Cherub Choir, Junior Choir, Luther League,
Old Churches Information, Your Stories
The History Team will be meeting on the second and fourth Tuesday of the month.
Anyone interested in helping to preserve the church's history, interested in what we have or would like to learn things about our church, please stop by the church.
The history team’s mission is working to preserve the history of Faith Lutheran Church. We are looking for any historical information that you may have and would be willing to share with the history team, that would be helpful in our mission.
If you have anything that you could share, please email to [email protected], or drop it off
in the pastors office, or please feel free to contact any of the history team members…JoLouise McNally, Sue Segelstrom, Linda Solomonson or Nance Keenan.
We do ask that you label your treasures with names, dates, locations, anything that would help us to identify these things.
We would be happy to take care of any of your items, however, if you would like your items back, please have your name and phone number so we can return it safely to you.
(please remember to label with names and dates and your contact information)
Ladies Aid, Baptisms, WELCA
Pastors, Church Programs, Weddings,
Church Events, 1st Communions, Bell Choir,
Cherub Choir, Junior Choir, Luther League,
Old Churches Information, Your Stories
Wednesday Morning Quilters
Join us on Wednesday Morning at the Church starting at 9:00 a.m.
Join us on Wednesday Morning at the Church starting at 9:00 a.m.
Join us in making a joyful noise!
Inviting all singers to join the Senior Choir...no age limit!
Inviting all singers to join the Senior Choir...no age limit!
Faith Lutheran Church has a new online giving platform! You can give to the church via Credit Card or from your checking account! You can give one time, or set up recurring giving!
Click the link below to access our giving page today!
(Or copy this link into your browser: https://myfaithlutheran.breezechms.com/give/online)
Click the link below to access our giving page today!
(Or copy this link into your browser: https://myfaithlutheran.breezechms.com/give/online)
If you have pictures of any of the YOUTH activities, please share them. You can send them to [email protected]. Our congregation loves to see what the kids have been up to. Thank you.
DON'T FORGET --- All meeting and/or events held at Faith Lutheran Church need to be scheduled with the church office and placed on the "master" calendar. Items for the Sunday bulletin are due by the end of the day on Wednesdays. Items for the bulletin should be emailed to [email protected]. Your assistance is greatly appreciated!
All information, photos and/or suggestions for this web site should be sent via email to secretary@myfaithlutheran.org. Thank you.