January 17, 2019
As the book “Power Surge” reminds us…the church is not called by Jesus to make/keep/support members, we are called to make disciples. A disciple is really a student of that teacher, so Jesus calls us to be his students and to follow his ways and to live our lives as he would have us live. Education is, therefore, an important part of every congregation’s mission. An old jab against the church is that ‘Jesus blessed the children and taught the adults, but the church teaches the children and blesses the adults.’
Maybe it’s time to change that dynamic. Our congregation has adjusted its budget to now include a line item for “Christian Education.” We have several opportunities for adults to grow in discipleship through learning. Our CAT Survey summary states that “Life-long learning” is one of the starting points for us to consider as we reinvent our congregation.
So, please consider dusting off your Bible and joining us for an adult study. We continue to have a Sunday morning Bible study that is reading through the Gospel of Luke (meets most Sundays after worship).
A new KISS Bible Study (Keep It Short and Simple) will begin January 22nd. We will meet on Tuesdays, 4:30-5:30 pm, for 6 weeks, and cover the book of Isaiah.
A new study on the lives of the early apostles will begin on January 24th at 9:30 am and meet for 6 weeks.
We also have two circles that meet monthly for Bible Study.
And, if you want to start a Bible Study that fits your schedule, pastor is very happy to help you start.
Come, join the conversation, invite the Holy Spirit to challenge you even as you ask questions. May God bless us all as we grow in faith, at Faith!
Pastor Mike
As the book “Power Surge” reminds us…the church is not called by Jesus to make/keep/support members, we are called to make disciples. A disciple is really a student of that teacher, so Jesus calls us to be his students and to follow his ways and to live our lives as he would have us live. Education is, therefore, an important part of every congregation’s mission. An old jab against the church is that ‘Jesus blessed the children and taught the adults, but the church teaches the children and blesses the adults.’
Maybe it’s time to change that dynamic. Our congregation has adjusted its budget to now include a line item for “Christian Education.” We have several opportunities for adults to grow in discipleship through learning. Our CAT Survey summary states that “Life-long learning” is one of the starting points for us to consider as we reinvent our congregation.
So, please consider dusting off your Bible and joining us for an adult study. We continue to have a Sunday morning Bible study that is reading through the Gospel of Luke (meets most Sundays after worship).
A new KISS Bible Study (Keep It Short and Simple) will begin January 22nd. We will meet on Tuesdays, 4:30-5:30 pm, for 6 weeks, and cover the book of Isaiah.
A new study on the lives of the early apostles will begin on January 24th at 9:30 am and meet for 6 weeks.
We also have two circles that meet monthly for Bible Study.
And, if you want to start a Bible Study that fits your schedule, pastor is very happy to help you start.
Come, join the conversation, invite the Holy Spirit to challenge you even as you ask questions. May God bless us all as we grow in faith, at Faith!
Pastor Mike