Coffee time after church service every Sunday is a wonderful time for Christian fellowship and an opportunity to serve your fellow members.
Members of Faith are asked to help serve coffee on Sundays. You will find your name in a list along with others that form a group.
Each group has a "caller". The "caller" should contact you about one week prior to your serving date. PLEASE put the serving dates on your calendar. The "caller" is not the person in charge -- just the person picked out to contact individuals that it's their group's turn to serve. The group number that you are in is listed. Each group serves five times from July to July of the next year. Each Sunday is communion Sunday. Please ensure the communion ware is taken from the altar, cleaned and put away. Guidelines for cleaning the communion ware is located in the kitchen.
If you are unable to serve on any of your given dates, simply call someone from another group to trade. If you trade with someone, be sure to contact both the "caller" of the group you are moving from and the one you are moving to so they both know who will be helping. If you are unable to serve but could provide some "goodies", that may be sufficient.
Let's all work together -- and thank you for making coffee time on Sunday mornings a joyful time!
Members of Faith are asked to help serve coffee on Sundays. You will find your name in a list along with others that form a group.
Each group has a "caller". The "caller" should contact you about one week prior to your serving date. PLEASE put the serving dates on your calendar. The "caller" is not the person in charge -- just the person picked out to contact individuals that it's their group's turn to serve. The group number that you are in is listed. Each group serves five times from July to July of the next year. Each Sunday is communion Sunday. Please ensure the communion ware is taken from the altar, cleaned and put away. Guidelines for cleaning the communion ware is located in the kitchen.
If you are unable to serve on any of your given dates, simply call someone from another group to trade. If you trade with someone, be sure to contact both the "caller" of the group you are moving from and the one you are moving to so they both know who will be helping. If you are unable to serve but could provide some "goodies", that may be sufficient.
Let's all work together -- and thank you for making coffee time on Sunday mornings a joyful time!